Beloved, never avenge yourselves

-but leave it to my wrath, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay.”

Alright alright, so it was God who said that, but I think it is an apt quotation now that I’ve seen my (at least PvP) AC path in SWTOR.

Say hello to your friendly neighborhood Vengeance Juggernaut.


Chooser of the living, chooser of the slain

In case you’ve been hiding under a rock with your fingers plugging your ears going “lalalalala”, then you know that today’s Friday Update for Star Wars: The Old Republic included a sneak peek at a new comic upcoming called The Lost Suns (which incited a particularly satisfying display of QQ rage), a few tidbits of what can be expected from SWTOR at E3, and finally, an update to the Advanced Classes page on the official site.

While the first two pieces of the update were not without their merits, even if people didn’t all see them (Eternity Vault? Try and convince me this is not going to be the first raid shown in the game.), the AC update, understandably, took center stage.

I’ve never seen so many nerdragers backpedal so quickly. It was beautiful. BioWare deserves a bully for such a well-played match.

This may be the first really tangible material that players can use to plan the first stages of their game time experiences. Many of us had an idea what class we would play, and some even may have felt certain they knew which AC they were destined for, but this is the first time we, as players, have been given a glimpse of the various ability trees we can dive into in order to make our characters our own.

*Go to the Advanced Classes page and select the Sith Warrior-Juggernaut. Now, read the tooltip for the Vengeance ability “Unstoppable”. Combine that with an ability Georg Zoeller mentioned that changes your Force Choke from a castable ability into an instant cast, and you have a recipe for a “CK” (caster killer), which should explain at least part of my excitement.

As launch — seemingly — draws closer, I find myself thinking about things in real time. I’ll look at a video of Tatooine and think, “As soon as I get to Tatooine, I’ll have to go to that canyon.” I do the same thing when I see videos of PvP, crafting, even dancing.

My excitement, which, honestly, had been dimming a bit, now has come back in full force.

I look forward to the day when my toon, which I crafted to my specifications, can get moving on his/her journey.

If updates like this are any indication, I think that day may not be so far off.

Whatever class you intend to play, my hope is this update did for you what it did for me — provided real substance to help you on your path to your preferred AC.

P.S. – This video has nothing to do with the update, I just felt like posting it. 😛